Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Strawberry Pie

So I was wandering around the blogs that I follow or lurk as it may be and I read StrawberryCAKE today and she talked about making Strawberry Pie.  As soon as I read it, I knew I was making it tonight! And we did! My 13 year old son and I made four pies. Two with all strawberries and two with strawberries and bananas! (mostly because I love them together.) Great activity and so easy to do with the inexperienced cooks in your life. BOYS gotta learn to cook too!
Washing the berries!

Cutting the berries - and no blood, he did awesome! 

All ready to go! 

Cooking up the glaze.....we did a little backwards, but we were hurrying a little so we could watch the Lakers game.

Crusts ready, glaze cooking, we did as StrawberryCAKE said, lined our pie crusts with strawberries and our strawberry/banana pies with the fruit before pouring the glazed fruit over them.

Spooning Glaze - Yum - Yum! 
First one done! Actually I think this picture is the second one done, which is why the fridge door is open! I was late taking the picture. 
Turned out so good.....setting up....

Two down, two to go... Dad said when I emailed to find out if we had enough corn starch "WE SURE DO". We barely got through two and asked where is the other corn starch? "It's in the cupboard in the can" "You mean the can that had less then 1/4 in it?" "Yup"....."Not enough dear".......Luckily, I am married the best man ever and he ran out and got us another can so we could continue with our next two pies, which were strawberry/banana.

I know he looks thrilled, but he says he feels silly smiling for a posed photo. Can't blame the kid, sometimes I do to. Which is why most of our pictures have our family making funny faces or sticking out their tongue..... I am sure there are many sticking out our tongue pictures to come. 

Our strawberry/banana version. We just substituted StrawberryCAKE's strawberries for bananas or about 1/2 of them anyway!

Enjoying the fruits of his labor....on his plate he made 5 years ago in Cub Scouts! 

We had such fun and he is so good about finishing his task, although, he did pause the Lakers game so we could finish. And I did have to do the dishes.

Tomorrow, my beautiful daughter! Thanks StrawBerryCAKE! We enjoyed!

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